Disciples of Jesus are always working to be transformed into Christ’s likeness. An excellent way to do this is to study God’s Word together and allow the Holy Spirit to change you.

Tuesdays, 11am, Fireside Room.
Click here to register. Cost is $20, includes workbook. Join anytime.
Are you or do you know someone struggling after the loss of a dear loved one? GriefShare is a network of thousands of grief recovery support groups meeting around the world. GriefShare is a program with direction and purpose. With GriefShare you will learn how to walk the journey of grief and be supported on the way. It is a place where grieving people find healing and hope.
For more information, contact Diane: 626-665-1172

Women: Book of Philippians Bible Study
In an era of frustration, anxieties, worries and fears, could you use a bit more contentment and joy? The believers in Philippi were struggling to grow in faith while dealing with conflict and threats. Though in prison, Paul wrote the young church about finding God’s joy, peace and contentment no matter what they faced.

Men: Book of Acts Bible Study
We’re adventuring around the world with the first disciples as they shared the good news of Jesus with people near and far. Small beginnings turned into a worldwide force by the power of God’s Spirit, just as he does through us today.

Gospel of John Bible Study
Gospel of John Bible Study: With a few carefully chosen incidents, the Apostle John unfolds the truth about exactly who was Jesus. Throughout the centuries, this portrait has drawn men and women into committed belief and intimate relationship with the Son of God. Join anytime. Course finishes June 11th. Email us HERE to request a Zoom link. Order your Gospel of John LifeChange study guide HERE.